Therapy for teens

Online in virginia

The teenage years can be tough: for them and for you.

Adolescence can be a tumultuous time, filled with physical changes, emotional turmoil, and social pressures. Here at our therapy center, we provide specialized therapy services tailored for teenagers. We pride ourselves on providing an understanding, safe, and confidential environment where your teen can openly explore their feelings and thoughts. Being a parent in today's fast-paced, digital world is more complex and challenging than it's ever been. The pressures of balancing work, parenting, and personal life—made even more intricate by the advent of social media, the rapidly changing education system, and cultural shifts—can feel overwhelming. Is it a surprise that you sometimes feel exhausted, anxious, or even lost? Remember, it’s okay to ask for help, and it’s okay to admit that you don't have all the answers. Here's where individual therapy can be a lifeline.

Maybe you’re noticing:

  • Persistent mood changes

  • An abrupt decline in academic performance

  • A disruption of sleep and appetite

  • Behavioral changes including isolation, secrecy, and rule-breaking

  • Drastic changes in relationships

Contact us today to get started!

Individual therapy for teens

In a world where parents often feel they must be perfect, we're here to tell you it's okay to be human. We invite you to join us on this journey of healing, growth, and understanding. Let's work together to change the narrative of modern parenting – from stress and self-doubt to empowerment, confidence, and joyful experiences. Because you deserve support, and because we believe in your potential to flourish.

What we’ll work on

Therapy for teens can help you:

  • Learn emotional and behavioral management

  • Learn effective communication skills

  • Improve interpersonal relationships

  • Develop life skills

You are a wonderful, capable parent.



Common questions about therapy for parents

  • Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a method used to treat a variety of mental health issues and emotional difficulties. Through this process, a licensed therapist helps your teenager understand their feelings and equip them with the coping skills they need. It can help manage symptoms caused by issues like depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, or familial conflicts, and can help improve your teen's overall well-being.

  • Parental involvement varies depending on the teenager's needs and the therapist's recommendations. At the beginning of therapy, an initial meeting with the parent(s) is often scheduled to discuss concerns and goals. Thereafter, the involvement may vary but your support in the process will always be vital for your teenager's progress.

  • It is not uncommon for teenagers to be apprehensive or resistant towards therapy initially. Having open and supportive discussions about their concerns can be helpful. Our therapists also have strategies to engage reluctant adolescents in therapy and work to establish a safe and non-judgmental space where they feel comfortable.

    We are here to support you and your teenager. Please don't hesitate to contact us any time if you have more questions.